...and what can i say, Highland Equestrian Centre is Amazing! I think i've found my new love, even though was a little scared at first lol. The countryside at Sutton Forest is so picturesque. I took a couple of photos outside that need to be developed , but will take more at next weeks lesson and upload them together.

I need to invest in some riding boots next week as can't feel how far my feet are in the stirrups with the sneakers I wore today. It also helps to wear the right shoes incase u get bucked off ! I'm hoping that's not going to happen anytime soon!

Today was mostly learning to ride correctly in the arena and to 'swivel those hips' in the trot, fun fun not as easy as it sounds haha. It was more like hip thrusting whilst keeping your back straight, and then learning to ride with 'no hands' .. It's actually not a bad workout if you can do it the right way but the most important thing is keeping your posture, which will be great as my balance and posture is terrible! You also have to be extremely relaxed with your legs and not squeeze the horsie with your knees and use your feet to push instead of your knees... I was going to do pilates and yoga to help but I had no idea that posture and being so relaxed in horse riding was so important as I have only been on trail rides before, they never taught me anything correctly! It's alot harder to achieve than it sounds.

My horse today was Blaze only had half hour in the sandy Indoor Arena then went for a little ride outside, once i get better i'll move to 1 hour lesson, my ass is a little sore & back felt bit funny when I hopped off the horse but when done correctly shouldn't hurt :) I'm not used to sitting so straight, I wonder if I will start walking funny lol.
The lesson is also cheaper than I was originally quoted- only $35 for half hour so can't complain with today's horsey happenings. I also didn't realise I would be having a private lesson. I think I'm going to love this :) It's my time to relax and actually do something for me that i want to do! My next lesson is on Tuesday and I want to go back now!

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